Bill of Rights
The following enumeration of rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage other rights retained by students in their capacity as members of the student body or as citizens of the community at large:
- Free inquiry, expression, and assembly are guaranteed to all students consistent with the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, subject to policy, rules and regulations.
- Students are free to pursue their educational goals and appropriate opportunities for learning in the classroom and on the campus shall be provided by the institution.
- The right of students to be secure in their persons, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures consistent with the Fourth Amendment of the United State Constitution.
- No disciplinary sanctions may be imposed upon any student without notice to the accused of the nature and cause of the charges and an opportunity for a fair hearing.
The College has the right to set and expect reasonable standards for behavior and conduct that safeguard the College, College property, and all additional components of the educational process.
Campus Expression
Discussion and expression of all views is permitted within the institution subject only to requirements for the maintenance of safety, order, and respect for others’ right to privacy, freedom from harassment, and other applicable policies of the institution.
Students, groups, and campus organizations may invite and hear any persons of their own choosing subject only to the requirements for use of institutional facilities. To see the full policy, go to our Expressive Activity Policy.
Classroom Expression
Orderly discussion and expression of all views relevant to the subject matter is permitted in the classroom subject to the responsibility of the instructor to maintain order. The classroom is not considered a public forum for freedom of expression, and the College reserves the right to impose time, place, and manner restrictions on classroom expression to preserve the ability of all students to access the intended academic content of the course. Students seeking to engage in expressive activities are encouraged to utilize outdoor areas of the campus rather than within the classroom.
Information about student views, beliefs, and political associations acquired by professors in the course of their work as instructors, advisors, and counselors, is confidential and is not to be disclosed to others unless under legal compulsion. (Questions relating to intellectual or skills capacity are not subject to this section.)
Institutional Governance
All constituents of the institutional community are free, individually and collectively, to express their views on issues of institutional policies affecting academic and student affairs. The role of student government and its responsibilities shall be made explicit. On questions of educational policy, students are entitled to a participatory function.
A student, group, or organization may distribute pre-approved written material on campus providing such distribution does not disrupt the operation of the institution. Student activities personnel reserve the right to deny posting of written material for any reason.
The College press is to be free of censorship. The editors and managers shall not be arbitrarily suspended because of student, faculty, administration, alumni, or community disapproval of editorial policy or content. Similar freedom is assured to oral statements of views on an institution controlled and student operated radio or television station. (This editorial freedom entails a corollary obligation under the canons of responsible journalism and applicable regulations of the Federal Communications Commission.)
All student communications shall explicitly state on the editorial page or in broadcast that the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the institution or its student body.
Prohibited Conduct
The College may institute its own proceedings against a student who violates any law on campus, or violates a published institution regulation. This includes actions described in the Student Code of Conduct, official notices conspicuously displayed in public areas throughout the campus, and electronic notifications such as email or website postings. It is the responsibility of every student to be aware of the Student Code of Conduct and other college rules and regulations guiding student behavior. In addition, students are held to obey all local, state, and federal laws and violation of said laws may subject them to punishment by relevant law enforcement authorities and/or under the student code of conduct. Any violations not listed below are subject to the discretion of the president or other College official as designated by the president. The consequences for said actions will be determined by the Student Conduct Officer.
Violations of these prohibitions may also be punishable by relevant law enforcement authorities.
General Principles:
All members of the Laurel Ridge community are expected to:
- Behave in an ethical and moral fashion, respecting the human dignity of all members of the Laurel Ridge community and avoiding behavior that may cause danger or harm to others.
- Adhere to the civil and criminal laws of the locality, state, and nation, and to regulations issued by Laurel Ridge Community College.
Laurel Ridge reserves the right to take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being of the campus community, to include all college-related classes, events and activities whether they are on campus, off campus, or online/virtual. Such action may include taking disciplinary action against those individuals whose behavior causes a disruption or poses a risk of danger to others in the college community, or otherwise violates college rules and regulations.
Willfully encouraging and/or assisting another student in violating a college rule or regulation can carry the same penalty as if the student had carried out the action themselves.
The primary purpose for the imposition of such discipline is to foster the personal, educational, and social development of those students who are held accountable for violations of college regulations, to ensure the orderly functioning of the college, and to protect the college community and its integrity.
Specific Examples:
Alcohol and Drugs
All students at Laurel Ridge Community College shall not possess, use, distribute or manufacture illicit drugs and alcohol on school property including buildings, facilities, grounds, property controlled by the college, as part of college activities on or off campus, while serving as a representative of the College at off-campus meetings, in any state-owned controlled or leased property or at a site where state work is performed. Depending on the severity of the violation and the result of a disciplinary hearing, one or more of the following penalties can be imposed: admonition, warning probation, disciplinary probation, restitution, suspension, or expulsion.
Individuals in violation of this policy may also be subject to legal sanctions under local, state, or federal law regarding the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol. Illegal distribution of prescription drugs and medications is also prohibited in these venues. Students that are inebriated or otherwise under the influence of drugs or alcohol according to the subjective standards of a college official are not allowed in Laurel Ridge Community College classrooms at any point.
Laurel Ridge Community College students experiencing a problem with drug or alcohol abuse, or dependency are encouraged to seek counseling services. Advisers in the Office of Student Success can provide referral to an appropriate community agency that will assist with private confidential counseling or information. To see the full policy, go to and click on Student Policies.
Bullying is not permitted. This includes any written, electronic, verbal, and/or physical act or series of actions which either demeans, dehumanizes, or severely embarrasses any member of the Laurel Ridge Community or places any member(s) of the Laurel Ridge community in reasonable fear of:
- Substantial harm to their emotional, psychological, or physical well-being or substantial damages to their property; or
- Substantial interference with their educational and/or work environment due to the pervasiveness or persistence of the actions or due to a power differential between the bully and the target.
Camping on College property is not permitted without a written permit signed by student activities personnel. Camping is defined as overnight visitation on campus grounds. Overnight parking may also be punished by relevant law enforcement authorities.
Computer Misuse
Students may not share their login credentials (for example, password, digital certificates, 2-factor authentications) with other individuals, and may not log in to any Laurel Ridge system with another person’s credentials. Computer software, databases, and electronic documents are protected by copyright law; see below section Digital Copyright and File Sharing.
Students may not use any college equipment or access to send or share fraudulent, threatening, obscene, intimidating, defamatory, harassing, discriminatory, or otherwise harmful or unlawful content, messages, or files. Students may not install apps, computer software or executable files onto college computers without authorization. Students may not send electronic messages using another’s identify, an assumed name, or anonymously. Students may not attempt to read or intercept messages not intended for them. Students may not develop, install, transmit, or implement any malicious programs on any college-owned computer without authorization from the college. Students may not use any college computer resources to support any commercial venture or for personal financial gain.
Students are also expected to report any observed incidents of non-compliance with these guidelines to a faculty member or other college official.
For detailed information on the computer use agreement, please go to:
Dangerous Practices
No student shall engage in any behavior or act that could reasonably pose a danger to themselves, fellow students, college employees, and/or college property.
Defacement of Property
No student may deface or misuse college property or another’s personal property in college spaces, including but not limited to:
- Littering
- Vandalism
- Damaging, defacing, or destroying property
- Moving, disabling, or concealing property
- Stealing, seizing, holding, or commandeering any college property or space, or otherwise preventing use by others
Digital Copyright and File Sharing
Copyright law protects computer software, database systems, electronic documents, and electronic media. A copyright is a work of authorship in a tangible medium. Copyright owners have the sole right to reproduce their work, prepare derivatives or adaptations of it, and distribute it by sale, rent, license lease, or lending and/or to perform or display it.
A student must either have an express or implied license to use copyrighted material or data or be able to prove fair use. Students and other users of college computers are responsible for understanding how copyright law applies to their electronic transactions. They may not violate the copyright protection of any information, software, or data with which they come into contact through the college computing resources.
Downloading or distributing copyrighted materials such as documents, movies, music, etc. without the permission of the rightful owner is copyright infringement, which is illegal under federal and state copyright law. Use of the college’s network resources to commit acts of copyright infringement may be subject to prosecution and disciplinary action.
The penalties for infringing copyright law can be found under the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. §§ 501-513 ( and in the U.S. Copyright Office’s summary of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (
Disorderly Conduct
No student shall engage in actual or attempted behavior that disrupts the academic, professional, and/or social environment of the Laurel Ridge community, including on college property and at college-sponsored classes or activities at off-campus locations or held virtually. The following are examples of conduct that is considered disorderly:
- Verbally or electronically intimidating, threatening, coercing, humiliating, or abusing any person or persons in the College environment. This may include but is not limited to teasing, name-calling, or derogatory remarks.
- Physically intimidating, threatening, abusing, or assaulting others.
- Disorderly or abusive behavior that interferes with the rights of others or obstructs the business of the College.
- Inappropriate use of college facilities or resources
- Behavior that causes public inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm to others in the Laurel Ridge community.
Disruption of Educational Process
No student shall engage in any behavior that materially and substantially interferes with or obstructs the teaching or learning process of the college. This restriction extends to any activity which interrupts the standard, safe and orderly operation of the College.
Examples of this conduct include, but are not limited to:
- Excessive noise
- Academic dishonesty including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism and unauthorized assistance on class assignments and exams. For more information please reference our Academic Honesty Policy, available at
- Intentional actions which disrupt or obstruct teaching, learning, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, studying, or other College activities.
- Violation of published institutional regulations including those relating to entry and use of institutional facilities, the rules in this Code of Conduct, and any other regulations which may be enacted.
- Actions, words, dress, or any other form of behavior which can reasonably be predicted to distract or intimidate others, hindering their ability to engage in college activities.
- Inappropriate or uncivil classroom behavior, including in an online or in person classroom or a class message board or website. Uncivil behavior is any speech or action that is disrespectful or rude, or that causes an atmosphere of disrespect, conflict, and/or stress.
- Faculty has the responsibility to control their classroom and has wide discretion to take appropriate steps to ensure an orderly classroom environment. If a student refuses to follow the requests of the faculty member, the faculty member may require the student to leave class and may contact campus police for assistance in managing the issue.
- Making inappropriate and incessant demands for time and attention from college employees or students.
Failure to Comply with a College Official
No student shall fail to comply with a request or order from a College official in the performance of his/her duties. Violations include but are not limited to:
- Failure to properly follow through with any disciplinary measure imposed upon a student
- Failure to adhere to an instructor’s reasonable classroom rules or instructions
- Failure to provide identification when requested
- Failure to vacate a room or building when requested
Falsification of Official Information
No student shall misrepresent him/herself in any way while interacting with a College official, including but not limited to holding him/herself out as a college official. Students may not knowingly furnish false information to the college, including being untruthful in official investigations, false reports of crimes or code of conduct violations, and the forgery, alteration or misuse of college documents, instruments, name, logo, or identification. This may also include any other actions taken with the intent to defraud the college or any member of the Laurel Ridge community.
Fire Safety
All students are expected to maintain appropriate fire safety measures. Examples of non-compliance would include failure to evacuate during a fire alarm, falsely pulling a fire alarm, and/or misusing fire safety equipment. Use of fireworks or firecrackers on campus is prohibited. Candles and other forms of fire are also prohibited. (Cigarette lighters or matches used to light tobacco products in a designated smoking area are the only exception). Disabling exit doors or blocking handicap access ramps is not permitted. Violations of these prohibitions may also be punished by relevant law enforcement authorities.
Students may not gamble in any form or hold any raffle or lottery on campus or at any college function either off campus or online without proper college and all other required approvals.
Harassment is prohibited. This is defined as unwelcome conduct directed against a person based on one or more of that person’s protected characteristics or statuses, which creates a hostile environment by limiting or denying a person’s ability to participate in or benefit from the college’s education program or activity, or creates a working, learning, program or activity environment that a reasonable person would find intimidating, hostile or offensive.
Hazing, defined as any action which leads to physical or mental discomfort for any member of the shared community, is prohibited on campus. Violations of this prohibition may also be punished by relevant law enforcement authorities.
Obscene and Profane Conduct
Students are expected not to engage in any type of lewd or obscene conduct while in a college building, on campus (or at a center), or at a college-sponsored off-site activity. This includes but is not limited to vulgar, obscene, or offensive words, gestures, dress, and expressions. This violation extends to include possessing, producing, or distributing illegal or inappropriate sexual materials as well all forms of inappropriate touching.
Note: Certain types of information may be distributed due to the learning nature of our collegiate environment; perceived obscenities based on expected academic goals may be exempt from this expectation.
Off Campus Student Code of Conduct
Students are accountable for their conduct regardless of where it takes place, on or off the College property. This includes any behavior which reflects badly on the College or its mission including, but not limited to, high-risk use of alcohol, drug use, violent actions, and any behavior which compromises health, safety, and academic success.
No student shall cause any object to be projected (via throwing or any other method) through the air in any indoor campus environment. Projectiles are permitted in outdoor areas, if no formal college event is being conducted in that space. Violations of this prohibition may also be punishable by relevant law enforcement authorities.
Using electronic or other devices to make an audio or video recording of the private activities of any person without the person’s prior knowledge or effective consent from the person is prohibited.
Students are not permitted to engage in retaliatory behavior. This includes behavior taken to punish or get back at someone who has engaged in legally protected activity, for example, for good-faith reporting of perceived misconduct or providing information or serving as a witness related to a college investigation.
Sexual Harassment
As a recipient of federal funds, Laurel Ridge Community College is required to comply with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq. (“Title IX”), which prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities, admission, and employment. Under certain circumstances, sexual harassment constitutes sexual discrimination prohibited by Title IX. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may be referred to the College’s Title IX Coordinator or to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. The Title IX Coordinator is Mia Leggett Dezura, whose office is located at Cornerstone Hall 106D (Middletown Campus) and may be contacted by phone at 540-868-7087 or by email at
This Policy is not intended to substitute or supersede related criminal or civil law. Individuals are encouraged to report incidents of sexual and domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking to law enforcement authorities. Criminal and civil remedies are available in addition to the remedies that the College can provide. To see the full policy, go to and click on Student Policies.
Tobacco and Related Products Policy
The use of tobacco products or related materials is prohibited in all facilities occupied or operated by the College. Smoking on school property is permitted only in designated areas, which are identified as any space more than 25 feet from an entrance to the College. The College has provided smoking gazebos around the exterior facilities at the Middletown and Fauquier campuses equipped with cigarette and trash receptacles. For more information on the Tobacco and Related Products Policy, please go to
Unauthorized Use of College Property or Documents
No official Laurel Ridge Community College documentation or property should be used for any purpose by a student not authorized to do so. Examples of property include college buildings, parking lots and vehicles, in addition to college computers, lab equipment, and furniture. Examples of documents include logos, letterhead, forms and websites. This prohibition may also be enforced by relevant legal action pursuant to state and federal law.
Unauthorized Entry
Students may not enter or occupy College controlled property which is locked, closed to student activities, or otherwise restricted as to use. This includes a requirement to vacate an area the student would otherwise be allowed to occupy when notified by a college official that the area is being closed or evacuated. Students are also prohibited from using keys, key cards, or access codes that were not expressly granted to them by college personnel, and from disabling or damaging door locks.
Violence to Persons
No students shall engage or attempt to engage in any form of violence directed towards another person, group, or self. No student shall threaten anyone else with physical harm, direct obscenities towards them, or engage in any activity that could be reasonably anticipated to provoke a violent reaction from that individual. Behaviors that present a threat or a potential danger to the College community are defined as, but not limited to:
- Threatening Behavior (including but not limited to):
- Physical actions short of actual contact/injury (i.e., moving closer aggressively, waving arms or fists, raising tone of voice, or yelling in an aggressive or threatening manner)
- Oral or written threats to harm people or their property (i.e., “you better watch your back” or “I’ll get you”), including the use of any electronic means of communication.
- Implicit threats (i.e., “you’ll be sorry” or “this isn’t over yet.”)
- Violent Behavior (including but not limited to):
- Intentionally acting in a manner that in any way endangers the safety of others.
- Any physical assault, with or without weapons
- Behavior that a reasonable person would interpret as being physically aggressive (i.e., destruction of property, pounding on a desk or door or throwing objects in a threatening manner)
- Specific threats to inflict harm (e.g., a threat to shoot a named individual)
- Use of any object to attack or intimidate another person.
- Interfering with an individual’s legal rights of movement or expression
- Intimidating Behavior (including but not limited to):
- Intimidation of any kind that results in an individual’s reasonable fear for his/her personal safety.
- Engaging in stalking behavior.
- Behavior that is reasonably perceived to be frightening, coercing, alarming, or inducing distress to any member of the college community.
Violations of these prohibitions may also be punishable by relevant law enforcement authorities.
No student shall keep, use, possess, display, or carry any rifle, shotgun, handgun, knife, other edged weapon, or other lethal or dangerous instrument capable of maiming and/or casting a projectile by air, gas, explosion, or mechanical means on any property owned or operated by the College. This violation extends to include any realistic facsimiles of a weapon. These conditions are met if the weapon is on one’s person or in their vehicle.
Note: Possession of a weapon on campus based on expected academic experiences (enrollment in a gun safety class) may be exempt with prior written permission from Laurel Ridge Community College’s security office. Violations of these prohibitions may also be punishable by relevant law enforcement authorities. For more information on the Weapons regulations as approved by the State Board for Community Colleges, go to the state’s Regulation of Weapons policy.
Student Conduct Disciplinary Procedures
All students are afforded the right to due process for any violation. This process is defined below:
- Any academic or administrative official, faculty member, or student may file a complaint against any student for misconduct. Any administrator, college official, faculty member, or student wishing to file complaints against a college employee must follow a separate protocol as outlined in the human resource policy manual or the formal complaint procedure. The complaint procedure is available at
- When the Student Conduct Officer receives information that a student has allegedly violated a rule, regulation, policy, or procedure, the Student Conduct Officer shall investigate the alleged violation. After completing the preliminary investigation, the Student Conduct Officer will either
- Dismiss the allegation as unfounded, or
- Determine if the severity and nature of the problem necessitates a student conference.
- If, based on the student’s alleged actions, the Student Conduct Officer or other designated college administrator has a reasonable belief that the student poses a significant disruption to the educational rights of other students, the student conduct officer may impose interim sanctions. Examples include, but are not limited to, interim suspension, no-trespass orders, and administrative no-contact orders between individuals or groups. When possible, alternative arrangements will be made for the student to continue to meet academic requirements while the conduct case is pending. The College may also withhold the award of a student’s degree or certificate until the completion of the conduct process.
- If a conference is deemed necessary, a request will be made to the student via certified letter and/or email to the address contained in the College record. The notification will inform the student of the alleged violation of the student code of conduct. The notification will instruct the student to respond within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the correspondence. A conference time will be set after consultation with all involved parties; the vice-president (or designee) will have discretion to alter the arrangements of the conference for good cause.
- The President or Student Conduct Officer, may take immediate interim disciplinary actions, suspend the right of the student to be present on the campus and to attend classes, or otherwise alter the status of a student for violation of rules, regulations, policies, or procedures when the student is a clear or present danger to himself/herself or others, or if such action is in the best interest of the College. The College always reserves the right to take such prompt action as may be needed to preserve the peace, integrity, and safety of the educational process and the College environment.
Disposition of a Violation
As a result of the student conference, the Student Conduct Officer may select one of the following as a course of action:
- Proceed administratively if it is determined that the facts of the alleged violation are not in dispute.
- Proceed administratively if it is determined that the facts of the alleged violation are in dispute and must be further probed by the Student Conduct Officer; or
- Refer the case to a disciplinary hearing by preparing a formal complaint based on the allegation along with a list of witnesses and documentary evidence supporting the allegations (see “Hearing” section).
When the facts are not in dispute, the Student Conduct Officer may administratively dispose of any violation.
- In administratively disposing of a violation, the Student Conduct Officer may impose any disciplinary action authorized under the section entitled “Sanctions.”
- If a student accepts administrative disposition, he/she will sign a statement that he/she understands the nature of the charges and the penalty imposed. The statement also includes the student’s acknowledgement that he/she waives the right to a hearing and the right to appeal.
- The Student Conduct Officer will prepare a written summary of each administrative disposition of a violation and forward a copy to the student and to other appropriate administrative personnel.
If the facts of the alleged violation are in dispute and require additional probing, the Student Conduct Officer may elect to gather additional information concerning the allegation or to administratively dispose of the violation.
- If the Student Conduct Officer elects to gather more information, follow-up with the accused student must occur within ten (10) working days of the student conference.
- If a student disputes the facts of the charges, but accepts administrative disposition, he/she will sign a statement that he/she understands the nature of the charges and the penalty imposed. The statement also includes the student’s acknowledgement that he/she waives the right to a hearing and the Student Conduct Officer will prepare a written summary of each administrative disposition of a violation and forward a copy to the student and to other appropriate administrative personnel.
- A student may refuse administrative disposition of the alleged violation and on refusal is entitled to a hearing. If this is the case, the steps outlined in the following section, titled “Hearing,” will be followed.
- The Student Conduct Officer may refer the case directly to a disciplinary hearing. If this is the case, the steps outlined in the following section, titled “Hearing,” will be followed.
- A written request for a hearing (via email or hard copy) must be made to the Student Conduct Officer within five (5) calendar days following the administrative disposition.
- The ad hoc committee for a particular hearing will be selected by the Student Conduct Officer from among faculty, staff, administrators, and students who are willing to serve on the committee.
- The committee will consist of five (5) members (one full-time faculty member, one classified staff representative, one administrator, one student services representative and one student), unless the hearing is related to Title IX. In such cases, a student will not serve as a committee member. Another faculty, staff, or administrator will be asked to serve on the committee in lieu of a student representative.
- Upon establishment of the hearing committee, the names of the hearing committee members will be provided to the student. The student requesting the hearing may, if he/she believes one of the selectees will not fairly judge the merits of the alleged violation, request that another person be chosen from the list in that same category. One requested substitution, with written justification, is permitted.
- The committee member who is selected for the hearing may request that another person be chosen from the same category of the list if he/she believes they cannot provide a fair judgment based on the merits of the alleged violation.
- The student discipline ad hoc committee will elect a chairperson. The chairperson will set the date, time, and place for the hearing.
- The Student Conduct Officer will notify the student by email, certified letter or by hand delivery of information pertaining to the date, time, and place of the hearing. The notice of the hearing will be sent within five (5) working days following confirmation of the hearing committee membership.
- The hearing will take place within ten (10) working days of the establishment of the student discipline committee, unless an extension is mutually agreed upon between the student and the college.
- The Student Conduct Officer will have the discretion to alter the arrangements of the hearing for good cause.
- The student discipline ad hoc committee will hold the hearing as scheduled and determine a ruling whether or not the student is present, provided the committee has confirmation that the student received actual notice of the date, time, and place of the hearing.
- The student alleged to have violated the student code of conduct has the right to be accompanied by counsel, advisor, or attorney who may come from within or outside the College. Such counselor, advisor, or attorney must restrict his/her participation to advising the accused, and he/she may not participate in the actual proceedings of the hearing such as discussion or cross-examination of the witnesses.
- The committee will presume a student not responsible of the alleged violation until the facts and information presented support a decision to the contrary. A student will be found in violation when the weight of the evidence (51% or more) indicates that the student has violated this Code of Conduct. Committee members may freely question witnesses at any time. The committee will proceed as follows during the hearing:
- The Student Conduct Officer reads the complaint.
- The Student Conduct Officer presents the College’s case. Any person giving testimony may be questioned, at the completion of the witness’s testimony, by the student. The Student Conduct Officer has the right to follow up and/or recall witnesses as necessary.
- The student presents his/her defense. The committee may not require the student to testify. Any person giving testimony on behalf of the student may also be questioned by the Student Conduct Officer.
- The Student Conduct Officer and the student may present rebuttal evidence and argument.
- In closed session, the committee will discuss the issue and vote whether or not there has been a violation of this Code of Conduct. If most of the committee (at least 3 out of 5 voting members) finds the student violated the Code of Conduct, the committee will select and impose an appropriate sanction from the list detailed below. Determination of the sanction will be met by approval of a simple majority.
- The committee chairperson will notify the Student Conduct Officer of the committee’s decision and any sanctions as soon as possible and within 24 hours of the conclusion of the hearing.
- The Student Conduct Officer will inform the student of the committee’s findings and sanctions. This notification will be sent via email and/or certified letter to the student and will be sent within five (5) calendar days of the conclusion of the hearing.
Hearing Records
- All evidence will be given to the committee during the hearing and made part of the hearing record. The hearing record will include:
- A copy of the notice provided to the student.
- All documentary and other evidence offered or admitted in evidence.
- Written motions, pleas, and any other materials considered by the committee; and
- Any other relevant documentation.
- The hearing record will be forwarded to the Student Conduct Officer where it will be securely maintained.
- The president of the College, or designee, will automatically review every penalty of expulsion.
- A student is entitled to submit an appeal to the president of the College, or designee. To do so, a student must file a written request (via email or post marked certified letter) for appeal to the president within ten (10) calendar days from the date they were notified of the hearing committee’s findings and sanctions. The written request for appeal must detail what specific issues are being appealed. The president or designee maintains the right to refuse any request for appeal for insufficient cause.
- If a notice of appeal is given, the Student Conduct Officer will send the hearing record to the president or designee within five (5) working days after the notice is given. The president or designee will review the record and determine whether an in-person meeting is necessary to resolve the appeal.
- If an in-person meeting is deemed necessary, the president or designee will set the date, time and place for the appeal and the Student Conduct Officer will notify the student by email, certified letter, and/or by hand delivery of information pertaining to the date, time, and place of the appeal. This notice will be sent as soon as possible and no later than ten (10) working days after the appeal request is received. The president or designee will have the discretion to alter the arrangements of the hearing for good cause.
- If an in-person meeting is not deemed necessary, the president or designee will move forward with resolution of the appeal.
- After consideration of the appeal, the president or designee will notify the student conduct officer of their decision. The president reserves the right to endorse, increase or lower the sanction that was assigned during the hearing.
- The Student Conduct Officer will notify the student of the result of the appeal via email and/or certified letter.
- The president or designee will take such action as determined to be appropriate at any time during the process, and all decisions made during the appeal are final.
Violations of the Code of Conduct can result in one or more of the following sanctions as deemed appropriate. The list of sanctions is not a progression.
- Disciplinary Reprimand - a written reprimand from the Student Conduct Officer to the student on whom it is imposed. A disciplinary reprimand is recorded in the student’s conduct file. A disciplinary reprimand may include a behavior agreement or contract.
- Disciplinary Probation - probation may be imposed for any length of time up to one calendar year and the student will automatically be removed from probation when the imposed period expires. Probation indicates that further violations may result in suspension.
- Community Service - service-learning hours with an office or department on campus.
- Character Development - required attendance at an educational workshop, research and writing assignments or participation in a mentorship program.
- Paper - write an essay on an assigned topic to assigned specifications.
- Apology letter - write a letter of apology to an assigned recipient regarding specific actions.
- Sign/flyer - create a sign or flyer on the assigned topic to assigned specifications.
- Restitution - reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of funds or property, or redress for proscribed conduct. This may take the form of appropriate service or other compensation.
- Fines - fines shall be no less than $15 and no greater than $250, depending on the severity of the infraction.
- Social Restriction - restriction from attending recognized campus social events and being on campus for any purpose other than those directly related to class. Social restrictions may require the student to check in and out with security upon arrival and departure from campus.
- Loss of Privileges - restriction from certain student privileges.
- Loss of Parking - parking pass and ability to park on campus limited or revoked.
- No Contact Order - exclusion from approaching or contacting another person(s) including in person, by phone, text, email, written correspondence, through a third party, etc.
- Class removal - removal from a particular class and all relevant physical or virtual class meetings.
- Suspension - exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities as set forth in the notice for a defined period.
- Expulsion - permanent severance from the College. The conditions of readmission, if any, shall be stated in the order of expulsion.
- Referral to relevant law enforcement authorities or a specific office or community organization.
- Other appropriate consequences as determined by the disciplinary authority. Failure to complete sanctions by the designated completion date represents a violation of the Code of Conduct (Failure to comply with a College Official). Those who do not meet the criteria of their sanctions will begin the judicial process again with a second charge.
Student Conduct Addendum as of 8/23/2024
The College’s Student Code of Conduct is hereby amended to include the following provisions and any violation of such shall be grounds for discipline under the College’s Student Code of Conduct policy. All other provisions remain unchanged and applicable:
Disruptive Acts
- Disrupting or obstructing the normal learning, living, or work environments of other members of the College community or the functions or activities of the College (as well as activities conducted on the College’s property with its permission) is prohibited. Examples include: blocking entrances, corridors or exits; interfering with ongoing educational activities, cultural events, or recreational, extracurricular or athletic programs; unauthorized presence in a building after normal closing hours or after notice that the building is being closed; interfering with vehicular or pedestrian traffic; creating unsanitary conditions; and interfering with any other effort to protect the health and safety of members of the College community or larger public.
- No person may obstruct, disrupt, or attempt by physical force to cancel or discontinue speech by any speaker or the observation of speech by any person intending to see or hear a speaker.
Violations of Laws, Regulations, and Ordinances
- Prohibited conduct includes violations of federal, state, or local laws, regulations, orders, or ordinances.
- Students have a continuing duty to promptly report to the Chief of Police any arrests for violations of federal, state, local, or international law, excluding minor traffic violations that do not result in injury to others. This duty applies regardless of where the arrest occurred (inside or outside the Commonwealth of Virginia) and regardless of whether the College is in session at the time of the arrest. An arrest includes the issuance of a written citation or summons regardless of whether the student is taken into custody by law enforcement. Charges related to driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs are not “minor traffic violations” and must be reported.
Masking to Conceal Identity
Consistent with Virginia Code § 18.2-422, any individual who is present on College property or attending a College event who is wearing a mask, hood, or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, must present a valid college or government issued identification document containing both the person’s legal name and photograph when requested by a law enforcement office or college personnel or otherwise establish the individual’s identity to the satisfaction of the law enforcement officer or college employee.
- The construction or occupation of a Camping Tent is prohibited.
- “Camping Tent” means any collapsible tent or structure, typically having as its basic components a flexible material supported by a framework, designed, intended, or used as temporary shelter while camping or on recreational outdoor outings. Camping Tents may include tents known as “pup tents,” “dome tents,” “cabin tents,” “hiker tents,” and “backpacking tents.”
- A “Camping Tent” does not include a tent with all sides entirely open and where there is an unobstructed view into such tent from the outside at all angles. All other conduct provisions apply to the use of open tents.
- Only tents approved in advance pursuant to the Facility Use Policy 20002R2 shall be permitted. No Camping Tents shall be permitted at any time. All tents of any type must be removed no later than 8:00 PM.
- Camping is prohibited on property owned, leased, or operated by the College, Virginia Community College System, or their foundations.
- “Camping” means the act of using any part of the property or facilities for living accommodation purposes, such as establishment of temporary or permanent living quarters, sleeping outdoors overnight or making preparations for overnight sleeping (including the laying down of bedding), storing personal belongings, using any tent, shelter, or similar structure regardless of size for sleeping; sleeping in, on, or under parked vehicles, or setting up temporary or permanent sleeping areas outdoors or in structures not designated for human occupancy.
- “Camping” does not include the use of College, VCCS, or their foundations’ property that has been wholly or partially designated as sleeping or relaxation areas; a tailgating activity in conjunction with a College, VCCS, or foundation event; or the use of temporary hammocks or lounge furniture for recreation or studying activities outdoors on College, VCCS, or foundation owned property during the hours of 8:00 AM-5:00PM
- These prohibitions shall not apply to the College, the Virginia Community College System Office, or the College or System foundations or to Non-Camping Tents erected for their use.
- These prohibitions shall not apply to federal, state, or local governments or their agencies or to Non-Camping Tents erected for their use.
- The Code of Conduct, including this Addendum, shall apply both to the conduct of individual students as well as student organizations.
- Each recognized student organization shall represent that its activities and the activities of its members will not violate federal, state, or local law; or the College’s Code of Conduct, including this Addendum.
- The Code of Conduct, including this Addendum, applies to all student activities within College, VCCS, or their foundations’ programs or activities wherever located. The Code of Conduct, including this Addendum, also applies to all student conduct occurring on the College campus and on any property owned, leased, or operated by the College, VCCS, or their foundations. The Code of Conduct, including this Addendum, additionally applies to any property used as a student residence and in regard to which students have expressly agreed to abide by or provided written consent to be governed by College policies. Violations of other College or VCCS policies may result in disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct.